Ecological rehabilitation and sustainable management of an urban industrial site: An historic pollution by potentially toxic inorganic pollutants (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, As and Sb)
Management of human health risk in the context of kitchen gardens polluted by metals near a lead recycling company Teach to the students these works were published and phD are availables.
Dumat Camille教授简历:
1993-96, Montpellier/Aberdeen: European PhD
INRA Soil Sciences - MLURI Aberdeen – Andra – Chemistry School Montpellier
1996-98, Paris,Post-Doctorat, european project (FAMEST). Lab. Géochimie et Métallogénie de l'UPMC, URA CNRS 1762
1998-05, UPMC (Paris VI): Assistant professor Lab. Biogeochemistry, UMR 7618, UPMC-CNRS-INRA.
2005-2010, ENSAT-INPT: MCF, EcoLab UMR 5245 INPT-CNRS-UPS.
Since 2011, ENSAT-INPT : Professor, EcoLab UMR 5245 INPT-CNRS-UPS.
Transfers of metals in the soil-plant-atmosphere system; Management of environmental and health impacts associated with contaminated land.