Title:Potentialities of an Automated Chamber Network for Estimation of CO2/CH4 Sink/Source of Asian Terrestrial Ecosystems
Speaker: Naishen Liang (Center for Global Environmental Research (CGER), National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Tsukuba, Japan
Dr. Naishen LIANG(梁乃申)
Senior researcher of the Center for Global Environmental Research (CGER), the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan.
(日本国立环境研究所 地球环境研究中心 主任研究员)
As native of Henan (Luoyang) in Central China, he received his undergraduate education in forestry science and MS in ecophysiology (Beijing Forestry University), and PhD in ecophysiology (Niigata University, Japan). His postdoc training (Japan Science and Technology Corporation) was in tropical forest carbon cycle (1997-2000). He was a Research Fellow (National Institute for Environmental Studies) in boreal forest carbon cycle (2001-2005). His researches are on terrestrial ecosystem carbon (CO2, CH4, N2O) cycle and its interactive feedbacks to climate change and natural and human disturbances. With supports of continuous competitive funding from the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, his current research projects focus on response and feedback of the monsoon Asian soil organic carbon (SOC) emission to global warming.